The game's unique scoring system and strategic elements make it a beloved pastime for many. So what are the rules for a flush in cribbage?

Sometimes it's not clear to players, especially newcomers, if same-suit cards (a flush) scores points. A flush is a hand scoring combination where all four cards in a player's hand are the same suit.
The answer YES, but it depends the situation. Are the in a player's hand or are they in the crib.
Points for a Flush in a Player Hand
A flush of all four cards in a player's hand scores 1 point for each card in the flush. In addition, if the flip card is the same suit as the four cards in the players hand that scores 1 additional point (5 Points). Regardless of the flip card, getting all four card of the same suit in a player's hand does score 4 points.
A 4-card flush (excluding the starter card) is worth 4 points.
A 5-card flush (including the starter card) is worth 5 points.
However, in order to score points all 4 cards must be in the player's hand. The player does not get points for 3 cards of the same suite in their hand even if the flip card is the same suit as those 3 cards.

Points for a Flush in a Player Crib
In the crib, all five cards must be the same suit.
A flush only counts if all 5 cards are the same suit (including the flip card). If the crib has 4 cards of the same suit in the hand, but the flip card is a different suit, no points are awarded.
Jon Mullett
Cribbage King